Well as you remember from an earlier entry, I didn't do too well with eHarmony (I'm not posting the link...stop being lazy and scroll down lol). So at the advice of my friend, I decided to give Match.com a try. It was MUCH better than eHarmony....a lot more to choose from, more communication and responses. This is kinda lengthy, so kick back, relax and enjoy my perils of dating lol.
Have I made a connection? Nope!! That's okay. I encountered crazies my first week!
One guy, who goes by the name TruePiscean, was one of the first guys to email me. He was 37 After a few emails back and forth, I realized that a lot of his questions/comments related to sex. Now, call me old fashioned, but I don't think it's appropriate to come out of the mouth like that w/ someone you don't even know. I let him know that I didn't think that things would work, and he preceded to tell me that if I couldn't handle adult conversation, that I should try another site. I kindly told him that maybe HE is the one that needed a new site (like sexaholics.com) and that I knew plenty of adults that had way more to talk about than sex....I am one!! So he wrote back saying that I got the wrong impression of him, and he attempted to talk about other things. After the 2nd email, he went back to his roots, and I gave him the boot!

Then there was another guy that basically only wanted to ask me advice on females. That's cool with me, because I didn't find his profile appealing at all. We went back and forth for a bit, and I gave him my opinions about the questions he had. He said I helped.
I also found an old coworker on there. I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't place the face. I sent an email, and he asked my name. When I told him, he said where I knew him from. I hadn't seen him in like 10 years lol. We talked a bit, but conflicting schedules prevented us from meeting up. I guess we both gave up.
I did go out with one guy and it was fun. Let's call him....Gary. Gary started by winking at me. For those who aren't familiar with online dating, winking is equivalent to "poking" on Facebook. Still lost? It's a way to let someone know you're interested.
I checked out Gary's profile. He looked good on paper....33, employed, no kids, never been married, we shared a few interests. Got to the pics, and he looked okay. SOmetimes pictures don't do people justice, so I took it as a good sign that I didn't cover my eyes at first glance. I winked back. He sent me an email and we chatted back and forth for a bit. He asked for my phone number. I gave it to him and he called a couple of days later. GREAT conversation! We talked for two hours, and could have easily gone for more.
Eventually, we decided to go out on a date....it was kind of a disaster, but it wasn't his fault. It was one of the funny ones.
Being Redskins fans (don't hate and keep comments to yourself!!), we agreed to meet at Jasper's in Greenbelt to watch the Redskins/Cowboys game....only to find that Jasper's closed due to a fire. So we go around the corner to a sports bar Willie K's. I'd never been there, but the service was HORRIBLE! There was an open bar table, but the bartender wouldn't bus the table. She said he'd have to do it b/c she was the only bartender and that there was only one server because they got an unexpected party of 100, so most of the staff was tending to them. Now I have a problem because other people are paying customers as well, and there was a manager that stood around and did nothing but socialize w/ people.
Anyway, I guess he was being on his best behavior because it was our first date, so he removed the stuff from the table and put it on the bar so that we'd have a clean area to sit. The service was so bad, we didn't even order there. We went down the street to Ruby Tuesday's. He apologized for the incident at Willie K's. Of course I didn't blame him. We made it just in time @ Ruby's because the kitchen was about to close. We had good conversation again, but I don't think there was anything romantic about it. We haven't talked much since then...that's cool. It was a good experience.
So yeah, I'm taking a break now....
What about you? Have you thought about trying eHarmony? Do you think I was too hard on TruePiscean? Should I have pursued things further w/ Gary? Should I try another dating site?