This is what I found in my inbox the other day from eHarmony....no really that's what it said. They've matched me with Loser....great. Of course I couldn't receive something like this and not check it out for you all. There were no pictures, and there were actual real answers in the profile, but I'm just stuck on the name. Now, I'm sure that's a joke page, but how encouraging is that?
Okay, I know you are all wondering, so let me backtrack for a minute....
Yes, I signed up for online dating. Why? I'm not 100% sure. I guess it was more out of curiosity. I know a few people that have met online and one couple is even married for a few years now. Another reason was curiosity. I have met people before, but it's not always clear what their agenda is when you meet them. This way, I'm almost guaranteed to meet someone that is on the same path I am. I know my path is to meet new people and hang out. Also, I don't go out much, and I'm not looking to meet someone in the club, so this way seems best for now.
I've talked to a few friends about it before I actually tried it, and the experience varied. I figured if anything, I'd get to meet new people, try new places to hang out/eat, and possibly meet new friends
No, nothing happened yet. Mostly because I haven't been active on eHarmony as I probably should be. I've gotten a few "Icebreakers" (short messages that let you know the person is interested in starting communication), but I've been slow to respond if at all.
Let me give you more insight: eHarmony isn't the typical site where you're matched with guys based on your location and you scan through pics and pick the
Now, I've been finding myself being SUPER judgmental about people I communicate with, or even who I'd consider communicating with. One guy really had a pic on his page where he cropped out a girl. Another guy didn't feel like bothering w/ such methods and just blacked out the girl, AND the hand that she draped over his shoulder. Talk about tacky!!! He was automatically nixed from my list. Also, if pics are far away, or they have no pics at all, I automatically assume they aren't attractive and/or hiding something.
Also, a lot of guys on here are short! I'm not talking 6'0, or even 5'11....these guys are like 5'5 and 5'6!! I'm almost 5'8 myself, so imagine me next to him with my 4-inch stilettos. It's okay to laugh because I did too. I've blogged earlier about preference, and that's one of mine....6'0+ please!
Before my eHarmony trial, I tried Yahoo! Personals. I didn't even think about them, but that's where a girl I know met her current husband, so I looked there. They had a free 3-day trial, so I couldn't lose. Let's just say I shut things down before my three days were up. The guys there were all so OLD....I'm talking 40+. It was scary!
This whole process is scary/creepy, but I can't help but laugh at the same time....especially when I get an invitation to meet Loser.
Have you ever tried online dating site? Which one(s)? How was your experience? Would you try it again? Do you still talk to someone you met through an online service?

UPDATE: Since my last post, I've received a new match...Kraz E. This one has pics, but they look like two different people. To protect privacy, I won't post them lol.and I'm tempted to communicate with him just to ask him why that name! Eharmony isn't like most dating sites where you pick a screen name...you're supposed to use your real name! I'll keep yall posted!